Guides and Resources for Optical Partners

Quick FAQs

1. What services are provided to the patient while they are in the optical location?
The optical store will offer hearing screenings via the MDHearing iPad located in the store. The patient will then have the opportunity to schedule a consultation to discuss their hearing screening results with a licensed hearing professional. Appointments are scheduled for a later time, and will not occur while the patient is in the optical store.

2. How long does the hearing screening take?
Typically, it takes 5-10 minutes total for a patient to complete the hearing screening and schedule their consultation appointment.

3. How much does the hearing screening cost?
It's free.
The hearing screening and telehealth consultation with a licensed hearing professional are provided at no cost to the patient. 

4. What if a patient wants more information about the screening, consultation, or MDHearing?
Simply hand them a brochure, which includes more information and our contact information. We will gladly answer any questions they may have.

5. What if the patient has questions about their hearing screening results?
Encourage the patient to schedule the consultation appointment. A licensed, experienced hearing professional will answer all of their questions during that appointment.

6. Who is eligible to take a free hearing screening?
Every adult (18 years and older) is eligible to take the free hearing screening. Children under 18 should be screened in-person by a physician or licensed hearing professional. Encourage all of your adult patients to take it. The more screenings you complete and the more consultations you book, the more incentives you receive!

7. How do I assist a patient if they bring their hearing aids to my optical location for help? 
Simply provide them with our contact information and we will gladly help! Our team is available to provide support via phone, email, text, chat, and even video call. Our website is packed with useful information, articles, and videos as well. 

Why MDHearing?

MDHearing offers best-in-class price, quality, and service. Founded 15 years ago by a Chicago ENT, MDHearing is the only hearing aid seller to combine extremely affordable prices, high-quality aids, and clinic-level support from a team of U.S.-based licensed hearing professionals. 

Click here to discover how our approach, expertise, and dedication to excellence makes us stand out in the field of hearing solutions.

How To: Administer the Hearing Screening

Click here to view step-by-step instructions on administering the hearing screening in your optical location.

How To: Motivate Patients to Take the Hearing Screening

There are several approaches you can take when it comes to motivating your patient to take the hearing screening in your office. Here are a few options you can try when presenting the hearing screening to your vision patients:

Assumptive Approach
“As part of our comprehensive vision examination, we do a quick hearing screening. You will get the results right away. Place these headphones on your ears and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, I will be right here.”

Informative Approach
“Hearing loss is one of the most commonly unidentified health issues and can lead to early onset dementia, fall risks, and other serious health issues. We are now going to see if there is any indication of hearing loss by doing a hearing screening. Simply place these headphones on your ears and follow the instructions on the screen please.”

Conversational Approach
“Have you ever had any difficulty with your hearing? It is really common to have a little bit of trouble understanding speech clearly, especially in a noisy environment, like a restaurant or cocktail party. Let’s do a quick hearing screening to be sure it’s nothing. Place the headphones on your ears and follow the instructions.”

Cautionary Approach
“Did you know that untreated hearing loss is associated with a whole host of other health issues, like early onset dementia, depression, falling, and atrophy of the brain? That’s why we now do a hearing screening as part of our comprehensive vision testing. All you have to do is place the headphones on your ears and follow the instructions on the screen.”

Enthusiastic Approach
“We recently partnered with MDHearing to provide FREE hearing screenings in our office! If you went to an audiology clinic for this, it could cost you as much as $150… We can do it right now at no charge for you. Just place the headphones on your ears and follow the instructions on the screen.”

How To: Schedule the Consultation Appointment

Click here to view step-by-step instructions on setting the patient up with a consultation appointment after the hearing screening.

How To: Motivate Patients to Schedule a Consultation Appointment

There are several approaches you can take when it comes to motivating your patient to schedule a free consultation with MDHearing. Here are a few options you can try:

Assumptive Approach

“When you attend your consultation, the licensed hearing professional will review your hearing test results and let you know if there is any action you need to take at this point. They will answer all of your questions.”

Informative Approach
“Hearing test results contain a lot of information. Setting a consultation will give you the chance to get that information from a licensed professional. That information will help you know what you need to do to prevent more issues from arising.”

Conversational Approach
“Seems like a good deal to me! They’ll give you a free consultation, review the test results and make recommendations. That normally costs close to $150. I would take advantage of it if it were me.”

Cautionary Approach
“You know, there are some serious health risks to not addressing hearing loss, like a higher risk for dementia. I would recommend you do the consultation so you at least know what is going on and what to do about it.”

Enthusiastic Approach
“That’s a really good deal, to get a free consultation! Those are usually pretty expensive. Take advantage of it! There’s no charge and no obligation…that’s a great opportunity!”

What if the patient does not have an email address for the consultation?

An email is required when scheduling the consultation appointment. If the patient does not have an email address, simply enter a substitute email address in this format and continue scheduling as normal: 
  • optical_[10-digit patient phone number]
  • Example:

Who should take a hearing screening?

If you are 18 or older, the following questions will help you determine if you need to have your hearing tested by a health professional.

  1. Do you sometimes feel embarrassed when you meet new people because you struggle to hear?
  2. Do you feel frustrated when talking to members of your family because you have difficulty hearing them?
  3. Do you have difficulty hearing or understanding co-workers, clients, or customers?
  4. Do you feel restricted or limited by a hearing problem?
  5. Do you have difficulty hearing when visiting friends, relatives, or neighbors?
  6. Do you have trouble hearing in the movies or in the theater?
  7. Does a hearing problem cause you to argue with family members?
  8. Do you have trouble hearing the TV or radio at levels that are loud enough for others?
  9. Do you feel that any difficulty with your hearing limits your personal life or social life?
  10. Do you have trouble hearing family or friends when you are together in a restaurant?

If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, be sure to have your FREE hearing screening done today!

Does the patient have to see a physician for testing before they buy hearing aids from MDHearing?  

No. According to FDA regulations, they are "declining to require measurements of hearing loss to establish prospective users' qualification to purchase OTC hearing aids." 

This means the patient does not need to have ANY kind of hearing or medical evaluation done before purchasing OTC hearing aids. However, if during the consultation, the MDHearing licensed hearing professional determines it is in the best interest of the patient to consult with a medical doctor before making any hearing aid decisions, they will strongly encourage the patient to do so.

How does insurance work with OTC hearing aids?

Does insurance cover OTC hearing aids? 
There are many different plans available for patients, it is impossible to know for sure about specific coverage information. Patients must contact their insurance plan provider for their specific coverage details.

If a patient wants to submit to their insurance for reimbursement, what do they do? 
Simply contact MDHearing at 847-813-7476 and we will gladly send them the superbill containing the information they will need to do so.

Does MDHearing bill insurance companies directly? 
No, MDHearing does not bill directly for hearing aids. The patient will simply purchase the hearing aids and submit to their insurance company for reimbursement.

What is Dual Sensory Impairment (DSI)?

Definition: The presence of both vision and hearing impairment.

How common is DSI?
Estimates vary, but are around 20% (or more) of the population 70+ years of age.

Why is the combination of both vision and hearing impairment so significant?
Those with hearing loss rely on lipreading and other visual clues to communicate. Those with vision impairment rely on sound cues in their environment for many things.

When both vision and hearing are impaired, the impact of each is magnified and the patient is impacted on a greater scale.

How does DSI affect Patients?
Persons with DSI have: 

  • An 8-fold increased risk of dementia
  • Poorer physical function
  • Poorer general health perceptions
  • Poorer vitality
  • Poorer mental and social well-being
  • Greater health comorbidity
  • Increased risk for falls and related fractures

Correcting both your vision and your hearing can reduce these risks.

What is the best way to identify DSI?
If hearing screenings are integrated into your comprehensive vision testing, identification of DSI would become much more common.

When DSI is identified, what should I tell the patient?
Keep it simple. Tell the patient that their hearing screening shows signs of hearing loss and they should schedule a consultation appointment right away. When vision and hearing impairment both exist, they must both be treated. The consequences of untreated vision or hearing loss can be quite serious.

What is VIP Care?

VIP Care is a specialized program for customers who would like comprehensive, one-on-one care from a licensed hearing professional. During scheduled appointments, VIP Care customers will learn more about their hearing loss, how to fit and wear their hearing aids, and how to optimize their hearing aids for their specific needs.

These appointments are typically seen via video chat, similar to Facetime. However, they can also take place via a phone call if the customer prefers to talk on the phone.

Additionally, VIP Care customers receive an additional 1-year warranty on their hearing aids, exclusive offers, a priority customer support phone line, and a 10% discount on other products and services. 

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